Saturday, January 3, 2009

Getting Started

Here we are, a new year and wishes for a better one. I have been out of work (broken foot) for almost 3 months and am dying to get back to some sort of normality.On the first of the year we had a family portait taken. Turned out pretty well. The kids got a little bored at first but the photographer was great, he got them to smile on queue and laugh a lot. Only Olivia declared she was "done" before all poses could be shot. I will try to post regularly (weekly) with all the news I can muster from this motley crew of mine.


  1. Blimey...3 months off work!....Poor Doris...Haha

    What is this "normalcy" stuff?

    Nice piccy.... Happy New Year To you all


  2. By the way Chris... I looked at your profile piccy too....Have you only got one shirt cuz?
